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Number 202 - Miscellaneous Crap
09.21.2003 | 8:31 pm


where to start.

school is going well. i like most of my classes, and the ones i don't like usually have something in the class to distract me. i'm going to be transfering to southern connecticut state after this year because i can't deal with commuting anymore. i can't wait to dorm and just deal with school and nothing else.

i had dinner at my mom's tonight. molly's boyfriend kevin was there. turns out he was in my homeroom junior year, but i never even noticed him. kinda funny. but anyways, he's nice, and he thinks molly and i are really funny when we argue and stuff.

let's see... umm... tyler kinda pissed me off last night because he went out with two guys from work and did coke. i don't care what drugs he does, really, it just kind of disappointed me that it had to be coke. he's had problems with drugs in the past. well, let's word that differently. he's done a lot more drugs than me. coke, heroin, crack, acid, dust, and of course pot, shrooms,a nd shit like that. but he did have a problem with a couple of the drugs, and i just want him to be very careful and know what he can handle without it turning into a problem. bah. but he said he only did one line. i want to believe him, but he lied right to my face one night when i asked him if he had any of my dad's vodka. he said no he didn't, but his glass reeked of alcohol, so. yeah that makes me not really want to believe him. plus he was acting all hyped up last night, soo... bah. oh well, i'll have a talk with him and let him know that i really don't like the idea of him doing coke, but if he does it, i want to know, i don't want him to hide it from me.

ok new subject.

umm... oh. i just had a mini relvelation.

i haven't thought about chris in awhile. well, i have, but only a quick passing thought. i really haven't thought a lot about him though. i wonder what he's up to. oh well, i'll prolly never know, and it's prolly better that i don't know. if you know what i mean. :-) but, in all, i think i'm pretty much over all that happened. i still can't believe the way things went down, but, shit happens right? yup yup.

anyways. well i am really bored. so i think i'm going to go putz around aimlessly until i find something to do. ok. update later.

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| all written content � emily | design � emily |